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Upcoming Programs and Events

April 1, 2025: Your Identity – Staying Connected & Protected

By Jo Ann Flowers

Identity theft is widespread and varied. While there are many ways for fraudsters to poach your identity, there are also many simple steps you can take to help keep them at bay. This is an opportunity to review your ID protection checklist and to learn steps you can start using today to help protect your identity.

Since 2015, Jo Ann Flowers has been an AARP Michigan volunteer with the driver safety program and a presenter on various topics, including brain health and fraud.

April 15, 2025: Awakening Meditations in Poetry

By Timothy Horan

Timothy Horan, a South Haven native, will share his poetry designed to assist humanity in its integral role in the functioning of the sacred web of life and the importance of becoming engaged.

He served on the South Haven City Council as a Council Member and Mayor from 1978-1984. During his administration, the Downtown Development work began. He has worked as a public school teacher and, for decades, as an Executive Director for Indian Housing for 5 Native American Tribes. He has a master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Consciousness Studies from John F Kennedy University, with a concentration in ecology and Native American spirituality.

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Concert Series

Sunday, March 16, 2025 at 3 pm – Connor Austell

Piano Sonatas of Beethoven & Mozart
We are delighted to welcome back South Haven native, pianist and educator Connor Austell, who will perform on Sunday, March 16th at the historic South Haven Scott Club. Join us for a captivating hour-long concert featuring a selection of sonatas by Mozart and Beethoven.

In person at Scott Club:
RSVP by Mar 14 (required) to:
Livestream: Scott Club Facebook page &
Foundry Hall Twitch channel:
FREE and open to all

Based in Lancaster, South Carolina, Connor Austell is a versatile musician and educator equally at home in the performance hall and in the lecture hall. A firm believer that scholarship and musicianship go hand-in hand, Dr. Austell’s teaching philosophy holds that decisions made in musical performance should be grounded in a historical, theoretical, and pedagogical understanding of the score. In 2022, Dr. Austell’s work in researching and recording the piano compositions of Thomas “Blind Tom” Wiggins was recognized with an award by the Willson Center for Arts and Humanities at the University of Georgia. His debut album Blind Tom’s Creative Vision is available on all major streaming platforms, and his recent article on the piano works of Thomas Wiggins will appear in an upcoming edition of American Musical Perspectives.

Dr. Austell holds degrees from the University of Georgia, the University of Michigan, and Grand Valley State University, where he studied with David Fung, Arthur Greene, and Sookkyung Cho. He studied chamber music under the tutelage of Katherine Collier, Helen Marlais, and Pablo Mahave-Veglia, and has participated in masterclasses with world-class artists such as Jonathan Boss and Martin Katz. His enthusiasm for Baroque music was fostered by a study of harpsichord and organ technique with Gregory Crowell. Dr. Austell currently serves as Assistant Professor of Music at the University of South Carolina Lancaster.

This concert is presented in collaboration with Foundry Hall and is supported in part by Holtec-Palisades, Michigan Arts and Culture Council, and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Programs are FREE and open to all!

All programs begin at 1:00 p.m. unless noted otherwise. This year’s programs and concerts will be a hybrid of in-person (at the Scott Club unless noted otherwise) and online. Non-members/guests please send email to to request a Zoom link.

The South Haven Scott Club was organized in 1883 as a reading circle and has been providing cultural events to the community ever since then in its Michigan historic site. Located at the corner of Phoenix Road and Pearl Street in South Haven, Scott Club is a stately Queen Anne style building of sandstone capped by a cupola of carved oak. Two historic windows of Austrian stained glass frame our east and west walls and serve as a cultural icon to the east entrance to the city.
